Why should I shop from Store21?

With affordable pricing, attractive offers, and 100% genuine products, we will leave you pleasantly surprised. Each Store21 product is unique and will make you go ‘wow’!

Question How will I know that my order is confirmed?
AnswerYou will receive an email and SMS on order confirmation. Please contact us if you don’t – [email protected]/ +91 7065000298.
Question When will you ship my order?
AnswerWe normally ship all orders within 4 – 7 business days. Final delivery time will vary based on delivery location. For further details, please check Shipping & Delivery
Question When will my order get delivered?
AnswerTransit and delivery time may vary depending on your location and the items ordered. We’ll send you a link to track the status of your order.
Question How much do you charge for delivery?
AnswerWe offer free shipping on all orders.
Question How can I track my order?
AnswerAn email is sent to you after the order is shipped. It contains the tracking number and details of the service provider.
If you are having trouble reading the emails or if you haven’t received any updates, please get in touch with us immediately.
Question What happens if there has been a delivery mishap with my order?
AnswerSend us an email to [email protected] and we will look into it right away!
1. In the event of damaged products received, we’ll require photo proof of the affected products and order details. We’ll review your case and if fair, we will re-send the products to you at no cost, subject to availability.
2. In the event of lost package, we will contact our delivery partner and if it’s clear that your order is indeed lost, we’ll re-send the order to you at no cost, subject to availability.
Question How do I place bulk orders?
AnswerOur products are simply awesome and buying one is just not enough! You can place bulk orders by contacting us at [email protected] or +91 7065000298. We offer customization as well.
Question I don’t want the package to carry an invoice / amount as it is a gift. Can this be done?
AnswerUnfortunately, invoices are mandatory due to government regulations.